Marketing & Sales
The Marketing & Sales practice delivers tangible results through definition of a clear vision, practical implementation and high return on investment (ROI).
Portfolio Profitability Analysis
- Define and evaluate business drivers and identify market dynamics; analyze P&L situation and recommend potential improvements
Market & Opportunity Evaluation
- Assessments about market participants, competitors and environments; discover actionable opportunities
Customer Acquisition, Activation, Usage and Retention
- As the cornerstones of card portfolio marketing and sales – acquisition, activation, usage and retention are the keys to catapulting product growth. Xtrategies supports clients from devising strategy to executing these cornerstones
Customer Segmentation
- We understand the key aspects around segmentation and thus are able to help clients concretely translate valuable nuggets of information buried within the ever-evolving mountains of data, into profitable activities
Product Business Case or Introduction
- Assessing adding, restructuring or phasing out products are all decisions portfolio directors face every day. Having had the first hand experience of managing portfolios we are uniquely equipped to guide our clients successfully through the maze of options, in making these critical decisions
Product Development & Management
- Whether through a traditional engagement or insourcing we are here to help “make it happen”. Manage the technology selection process, evaluate vendors and provide recommendations
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